Vast Wiki

The Sanctum is an installation in VAST used by the Pac-Ha.


The Sanctum is a small planetoid sitting deep inside the middle of Peacekeep territory. It has been off-limits to all Peacekeep personnel - anyone but the Pac-Ha are not even allowed in the star system.

The installation is not anchored to a celestial body. There is an artificial light source deep in the system moving in geosynchronous orbit, shedding light directly onto the Sanctum.

The Sanctum appears from the outside as a big while ball, interlaced with glowing blue lines. There is a single door on the outside of the structure, leading in.

The internal structure of the Sanctum reveals it's purpose: it is a prison for those that suspect or question the Pac-Ha. Approximately one hundred thousand prisoners were present during the event of The Sanctum, in which the crew of the Avalon infiltrated the facility.
